Our Story
After my husband had passed away in 2019 from cancer I knew I needed to make some changes in my life. I had been a bookkeeper for the last two decades and needed something new to light up my days. And what a better way to brighten one's days then to surround yourself with beautiful, vibrant, colorful fabrics. They have not disappointed!
I chose my business name "The Green Fern Quilt Co." because when my husband, David, would mow the lawn he would always mow around the tall lanky ferns that grow like weeds in our yard because he couldn't bring himself to mow them down. It makes me smile to think about all the ferns sticking out of our yard like dandelions. :)
David's mother introduced me to quilting back in 1988 when I was about 7 months pregnant with our first son Tanner. I made my first nine patch baby quilt with orange, white, and black calico fabrics. Not the most beautiful quilt around! But it was my second born son, Conner, that loved it and carried it around until it was in shreds, and to this day (he's 29) he won't let me throw it out. I have made a few quilts over the years but I have a lot more UFOs to be honest. I just love all the fabrics out on the market today. We are so blessed with so many talented artists! How can you resist. :)
My mission is to bring you as many colorful and vibrant fabrics as I can from all the talented designers out there, and hopefully they will brighten up your days too! I aim to provide you with great customer service, quality eco-friendly packaging from Encoenclose, and fast shipping. A happy customer makes for a happy life!
If you have any suggestions on how we can do better, please let me know. We will gladly accept any suggestions, criticism or compliments you may have!
Tosia Dunivent, Owner